Why Choose Metal Roofing?

A Guide to Metal Roofing

At Moffatt Bros. Roofing Ltd., our journey over the last 37 years has cemented our reputation as a stalwart in the roofing industry, particularly in Peterborough. Our experience, spanning over 10,000 residential roofing projects, demonstrates our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional service and quality. When it comes to metal roofing Peterborough, we apply the same level of dedication and expertise to ensure your home or business is equipped with a durable, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing roof.

Why Choose Metal Roofing?

Metal roofing stands out as an exemplary choice for both residential and commercial properties due to its longevity, energy efficiency, and minimal maintenance requirements. Our team specializes in metal roofing solutions, designed to protect your property while enhancing its value and curb appeal.

In the realm of metal roofing Peterborough, we understand the significance of making informed decisions. Our professionals are equipped to guide you through the myriad of benefits associated with metal roofs, including their impressive lifespan, fire resistance, and environmental sustainability.

Comprehensive Services Offered

Our scope of services extends beyond metal roofing to encompass a full suite of roofing services. From initial inspection to final installation, Moffatt Bros. Roofing is your go-to source for all things roofing. Our expertise includes, but is not limited to, shingles, cedar, flat or low-slope roofing systems, and custom metal roofing solutions.

Additionally, our services cater to the needs of new home builders, offering total roof replacement, eavestrough, soffit, and fascia repair or replacement, custom siding installation, and asbestos removal services. Industrial, commercial, and institutional roofing services are also a significant part of our portfolio.

Tailored Metal Roofing Solutions

Understanding that each property is unique, we pride ourselves on offering tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients. Our team works closely with you to identify the best metal roofing options, ensuring durability, aesthetic appeal, and protection against the elements.

We offer a variety of coloring and finishing options, empowering you to customize your roof according to your preferences. Our commitment to using high-quality materials guarantees a metal roof that not only looks great but also withstands the test of time.

Our Dedication to Customer Satisfaction

At Moffatt Bros. Roofing, your satisfaction is our top priority. Our friendly, professional staff is dedicated to exceeding your expectations at every turn. We offer free roof replacement estimates, efficient installations and repairs, and meticulous cleanup upon project completion. Our installations are backed by a 10-year warranty on workmanship, alongside outstanding manufacturer warranty options.

Client Testimonials

  • “We have used Moffatt Bros. for many years. I have found them very reliable. They are there when I have needed any roof repairs done over the years. I just had my roof done and was very satisfied. They did a great job cleaning up the area after the work was done. Moffatt Bros is excellent with flat roofs as well as shingle roofs. I would recommend Moffatt Bros without any hesitation.” – Larry & Norinne Hall A.M. Hall Jeweller Ltd.
  • “I just wanted to say thank you for the extra care Christopher put into making sure that strange clicking at the top of our air stack at roof level was gone. His patience and persistence was much appreciated! We will definitely recommend Moffatt Bros. to others.” – Susanne & Malcolm Pacey

The Importance of Professional Installation

Opting for metal roofing Peterborough represents a significant investment in the longevity, efficiency, and aesthetics of your property. Professional installation is paramount to ensure the integrity and performance of your metal roof. At Moffatt Bros. Roofing, our expertise ensures that your roof is installed meticulously, adhering to the highest industry standards.

Our team leverages the latest tools and techniques to deliver superior results that not only meet but exceed your expectations. With Moffatt Bros. Roofing, you can rest assured that your metal roofing project is in capable hands.

Connecting with Moffatt Bros. Roofing

Located in Cobourg, Ontario, we are always ready to connect with you and discuss how we can assist with your roofing needs. Contact us today for a free estimate and let us help you protect what matters most with our reliable and professional roofing services. Embrace the durability, efficiency, and elegance of metal roofing Peterborough with Moffatt Bros. Roofing at your side.

The Importance of Professional Installation

What is the biggest problem with metal roofs?

One of the concerns often raised about metal roofing is the potential for noise, especially during rain or hail. However, with the advancements in roofing technology and proper installation techniques, this issue has largely been mitigated. For instance, at Moffatt Bros. Roofing Ltd., we ensure that our metal roofs are installed with a solid sheathing base beneath the metal, which significantly reduces noise levels, making them no louder than other roofing materials. Additionally, metal roofs are sometimes perceived to be prone to denting, but choosing high-quality materials and opting for modern, durable types of metal can effectively reduce this risk. It’s all about understanding the materials and the installation process–areas where our team excels.

How much should I budget for a metal roof?

The cost of a metal roof can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of metal, the complexity of your roof, and the geographical location. Generally, you can expect a higher upfront cost for a metal roof compared to traditional shingle roofing. However, it’s important to consider the long-term savings that metal roofing offers, such as reduced energy bills, minimal maintenance, and a lifespan that can exceed 50 years. To provide a rough estimate, a metal roof installation can range anywhere from $5 to $12 per square foot. We encourage our clients in Peterborough to connect with us for a detailed and personalized estimate, taking into account their specific roofing needs and preferences.

What is the downside to a metal roof?

While metal roofing offers numerous benefits, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. The initial cost, as mentioned, can be a significant investment. Additionally, improper installation can lead to issues down the line, such as leaks or damage, underscoring the importance of professional installation. Moreover, while metal roofs are durable, they can be susceptible to denting from severe hail or falling debris. However, selecting quality materials and leveraging experienced installers can help mitigate these concerns. At Moffatt Bros. Roofing, we focus on providing expert advice and skilled installation to ensure your metal roof is a lasting investment.

Is a metal roof cheaper than a shingle roof?

Initially, a metal roof typically comes with a higher upfront cost compared to a shingle roof. This is due to the material costs and the specialized installation process. However, when looking at the long-term picture, a metal roof can be more economical due to its longer lifespan, durability, and energy efficiency. A metal roof can last 50 years or more with minimal maintenance, while shingle roofs may require replacement every 15 to 30 years. Additionally, metal roofs can help save on energy bills by reflecting solar radiant heat, which can reduce cooling costs in the summer. So, while the initial investment is higher, the total cost of ownership over time can make metal roofing the more cost-effective option. We’re here to help our clients in Peterborough understand these financial dynamics and make well-informed decisions about their roofing choices.

How are tailored metal roofing solutions beneficial for homeowners?

Every home has its unique characteristics, and a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t apply when it comes to roofing. Tailored metal roofing solutions offer the flexibility to match the architectural style of your home, address specific weather and environmental challenges, and meet your aesthetic preferences. By customizing aspects such as material type, color, and finish, homeowners can achieve a roof that not only enhances the curb appeal of their property but also provides optimized protection and energy efficiency. At Moffatt Bros. Roofing, we pride ourselves on our ability to work closely with clients, combining our expertise with their vision to create a metal roof that truly suits their home’s needs and their personal style. Whether it’s facing the harsh Canadian winters or complementing the historical charm of an older house, our tailored solutions are designed to deliver both performance and beauty.

Metal Roofing Resources

Moffatt Bros. Roofing Ltd.

(905) 373-0071
2213 Lovshin Rd

Cobourg ON K9A 4J7 CA

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