Why Choose Us Among Roofing Companies Belleville?

Comparing Roofing Companies

At Moffatt Bros. Roofing Ltd., our journey spanning over 37 years in the roofing industry has endowed us with a wealth of experience and a treasure trove of satisfied customers. As roofing professionals, our quest has always been to offer unparalleled roofing services imbued with both intelligence and integrity. Roaming the landscape of roofing companies Belleville, our dedication to excellence shines brightly, guiding homeowners and business proprietors alike towards durable, aesthetically pleasing, and cost-effective roofing solutions.

Why Choose Us Among Roofing Companies Belleville?

A Legacy of Quality

Our reputation is built on a solid foundation of more than 10,000 completed residential roofing projects. This monumental achievement is not just a number but a testament to our commitment to exceeding customer expectations. Each project is a narrative of our dedication to delivering quality, durability, and satisfaction.

Our Expertise

Specializing in residential roofing, we understand the nuances and demands of protecting your home from the elements. Our services are a tapestry of quality materials, skilled craftsmanship, and innovative solutions designed to offer the best protection for your home. From metal roofing, shingles, cedar, to flat or low-slope roofing systems, our portfolio is a testament to our versatility and commitment to meeting your roofing needs.

Comprehensive Roofing Services

Our array of services surpasses the conventional offerings of roofing companies Belleville. Moffatt Bros. Roofing Ltd. is your one-stop-shop for all roofing needs, including total roof replacement, repairs, new construction roofing, eavestrough, soffit, and fascia repair or replacement, custom siding installation, asbestos removal services, and custom metal roofing solutions. Each service is performed with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring a seamless and satisfactory outcome.

Customer Satisfaction: Our Top Priority

At the core of Moffatt Bros. Roofing Ltd. lies an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. This commitment permeates every aspect of our operations, from the initial consultation to the final cleanup. Our professional staff are not just workers; they are courteous advisers, ready to offer expert advice and friendly service. Furthermore, our roofing installations come with a 10-year warranty on workmanship, alongside outstanding manufacturer warranty options, providing peace of mind and assurance of quality.

Hearing from Our Satisfied Customers

Our clients’ voices echo the excellence and reliability of our services. From praising our quick, efficient work on urgent roof repairs to commending our capacity to handle flat as well as shingle roofs, their testimonials offer a glimpse into the Moffatt Bros. Roofing Ltd. experience. Whether it’s the thorough cleanup post-project or the durability of the installed roofing, our customers’ satisfaction speaks volumes about our dedication to quality and service.

Choosing the Right Roofer in Belleville

Deciding on a roofer amidst the myriad of roofing companies Belleville presents can be daunting. It’s essential to look for a provider that combines experience, reliability, and a broad range of services. Moffatt Bros. Roofing Ltd. stands out as a beacon of excellence in this regard. Our comprehensive services, dedication to customer satisfaction, and robust warranty offers ensure that your roofing needs are met with the highest standards of quality and professionalism.

Ready to Discuss Your Roofing Needs?

If you’re navigating the waters of roofing companies Belleville and find yourself seeking a trustworthy, experienced, and customer-focused roofing partner, look no further than Moffatt Bros. Roofing Ltd. Our team is ready to connect with you, provide a free estimate, and discuss how we can bring your roofing project to fruition with proficiency and care. Contact us today and embark on a journey to secure and beautify your home or business with a roof that stands the test of time.

Keep in Mind

In the universe of roofing companies Belleville, Moffatt Bros. Roofing Ltd. shines as a guiding star, leading the way with expertise, integrity, and a customer-centric approach. Our belief in delivering top-quality services, backed by decades of experience and thousands of satisfied customers, positions us as your premier choice for all roofing needs. Join us in our commitment to excellence and let us help you protect what matters most with a roof that’s both durable and beautiful..

Hearing from Our Satisfied Customers

Why Choose Moffatt Bros. for Your Roofing Needs?

At Moffatt Bros. Roofing Ltd., our distinction lies not just in our years of experience but in how we approach each project with a blend of traditional craftsmanship and innovative solutions. Our journey through the roofing industry has been marked by a commitment to exceeding expectations and fostering long-term relationships with our clients. Choosing us means entrusting your home to a team that regards every roofing project as an opportunity to enhance the safety and aesthetics of your home, something that we’ve consistently delivered over the past 37 years and through more than 10,000 residential roofing projects.

What Makes Our Roofing Materials Stand Out?

Our selection of roofing materials is guided by a philosophy of quality and durability. Whether it’s metal roofing, shingles, cedar, or flat roofing systems, we prioritize products that offer both aesthetic appeal and long-term protection against the elements. Our expertise allows us to match your specific needs with the ideal roofing solution, factoring in the local climate, your home’s architectural style, and budget considerations. It’s this tailored approach that ensures our projects not only meet but exceed our clients’ expectations.

How Do We Prioritize Customer Satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction sits at the heart of everything we do. From the initial consultation to the final cleanup, our team strives to provide a seamless and stress-free roofing experience. Our professional staff are not just workers; they are advisors who listen attentively to your needs and concerns, ensuring that every aspect of the project aligns with your expectations. Moreover, our 10-year warranty on workmanship, coupled with comprehensive manufacturer warranties, reflects our confidence in the quality of our work and our commitment to your peace of mind.

How Can You Choose the Best Roofer in Belleville?

Finding the right roofing company in Belleville boils down to several key factors: experience, reputation, range of services, and commitment to customer satisfaction. When evaluating potential roofers, look for a provider that not only offers a broad array of services but also has a proven track record of quality and reliability. Testimonials from satisfied customers can provide valuable insights into a company’s capabilities and service quality. At Moffatt Bros. Roofing Ltd., we pride ourselves on our legacy of quality, versatility, and customer-focused services, making us a trusted choice in the Belleville roofing industry.

The roofing industry is constantly evolving, with recent trends emphasizing sustainability, energy efficiency, and innovative materials. Green roofing, cool roofs, and the integration of solar technology are gaining traction as homeowners seek more environmentally friendly and cost-effective solutions. As part of our commitment to excellence, we stay abreast of these developments, offering our clients forward-thinking roofing options that not only protect their homes but also contribute to a healthier planet. Exploring these emerging trends, we guide our clients through selecting roofing solutions that align with their values and lifestyle needs.

How Do We Handle Roofing Repairs and Emergencies?

Roofing emergencies require swift and effective solutions. Our approach to repairs and emergencies is underpinned by a sense of urgency and meticulous attention to detail. We understand that issues like leaks and storm damage can escalate quickly, causing extensive harm to your home. That’s why we offer prompt, reliable repair services to address urgent problems efficiently. Our team assesses the damage thoroughly, provides a clear explanation of the necessary repairs, and executes the solutions swiftly to minimize inconvenience and ensure your home’s protection.

Why Should You Regularly Maintain Your Roof?

Regular roof maintenance is crucial for extending the lifespan of your roof and avoiding costly repairs down the line. It involves routine inspections, cleaning, and minor repairs to prevent minor issues from becoming major problems. This proactive approach not only ensures your roof remains in optimal condition but also provides peace of mind, knowing that your home is well-protected against weather-related damages. At Moffatt Bros. Roofing Ltd., we encourage our clients to consider regular maintenance as an investment in their home’s future, offering tailored maintenance plans designed to keep their roofs strong and secure for years to come.


  • National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) – The NRCA is a leading authority in the roofing industry, offering information on best practices, safety guidelines, and industry news.
  • Roofing Contractors Association of Canada (RCAC) – The RCAC provides resources for finding reputable roofing contractors, along with industry updates and educational materials.
  • The Mesothelioma Center – This resource offers information on asbestos removal services, safety precautions, and regulations to protect homeowners and workers.
  • Metal Roofing Alliance – The Metal Roofing Alliance provides information on the benefits of metal roofing, installation guidelines, and finding certified metal roofing contractors.
  • Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau – This organization offers resources on cedar roofing materials, installation techniques, and maintenance tips for homeowners.
Moffatt Bros. Roofing Ltd.

(905) 373-0071
2213 Lovshin Rd

Cobourg ON K9A 4J7 CA

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